Tuesday, 13 December 2011


saw tooth wave
The Waveform's Resemblance to Teeth on blade of a saw gave it the name Sawtooth Wave. It is also called Saw Wave. These waves incline upwards and sharply drops down.
schematic diagram
Illustration of an electronic circuit with the components represented by their symbols.

Schmitt trigger
When an input signal to a digital circuit un- matches the characteristics of a digital signal it can have some sort of noise. This circumstance require a specialized circuit that will modify a signal and make it to actual or true digital shape. The required circuit can be said as Schmitt Trigger. But the trigger for this circuit to change forms is the input voltage state, instead of a digital pulse or more simply we can say that the output state depends on the input state

Schottky diode
High speed diode having very little junction capacitance.
Output winding of a transformer. Winding that is connected to a load.

secondary cell
Electrolytic cell used to store electricity.
An element which is neither a good conductor or a good insulator but mixture of two.
seven segment display
Device made of several light emitting diodes arranged in a numeric or alphanumeric pattern.
slide switch
Switch having a sliding button.
square wave
Wave that alternates between two fixed values for an equal amount of time
step-down transformer
Transformer in which the output AC voltage < input AC voltage
step-up transformer
Transformer in which the output AC voltage > input AC voltage
switching transistor
transistor made to change rapidly between saturation and cut-off.

turn-off time Sum of storage time and fall time.
turn-on time Sum of delay time and rise time.
turns ratio Ratio of the number of turns in the secondary winding of a transformer to the number of turns in the primary winding.
telephone Device made to convert sound waves into electrical waves
telephone line Wires existing between subscribers and stations in a telephone system.
telex Teletypewriter exchange service.
temperature coefficient of frequency Rate at which frequency changes with temperature.
tera (T) Metric prefix that represents 1012.
terminal Point at which electrical connections are made.
tesla (T) Unit of magnetic flux density. (1 tesla = 1 Wb/m2).
thermal relay Relay activated by a heating element.
thermometry Refers to the measuring of temperature.
thermostat Device that opens or closes a circuit in response to changes in temperature.
thick-film capacitor Capacitor consisting of two thick-film layers of conductive film separated by a deposited thick-layer dielectric film.
thin film capacitor Capacitor in which both the electrodes and the dielectric are deposited in layers on a substrate.
thyristor A term used to classify all four layer semiconductor devices.
time division multiplexing (TDM) Transmission of two or more signals on the same path, but at different times.
transducer Device that converts energy from one form to another.
transformer Inductor with two or more windings.
transistor Term derived from "transfer resistor." Used as amplifer-Type-Npn & Pnp Transistors
transmission Sending of information.
transmitter Device used to achieve transmission.
trigger  Pulse required to initiate a circuit action.
triggering A trigger is a type of system that uses simple schedule to decide which processes in a particle detector to keep when only a small fraction of the total can be stored

ULP. Upper Level Protocol.

ULTRAHIGH FREQUENCY. The band of frequencies from 300 megahertz to 3 gigahertz.

ULTRASONIC. Sounds above 20,000 hertz. Supersonic.

UMOS. A type of MOS [Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor] FET [Field Effect Transistor].

UNIDIRECTIONAL. In one direction only.

UNIJUNCTION TRANSISTOR (UJT). A three-terminal, semiconductor device

UNIT. A single object or thing.

UPPER-FREQUENCY CUTOFF. The highest frequency a circuit can pass.

UPPER SIDEBAND. All of the sum frequencies above the carrier.

USB. Universal Serial Bus, a computer bus which provides two-way communication between the PC and peripheral devices

UXGA. Ultra Extended Graphics Array. A video resolution of 1600 x 1200 pixels

voltage source Circuit that gives voltage to a load.
voltaic cell Primary cell used to produce a voltage.
volt-ampere Unit of apparent power in an AC circuit .
 voltmeter Instrument used to measure difference in potential between two points.
 volume Magnitude or power level of audio frequency. Measured in volume units (VU).     
 valence shell The outermost electron shell for a given atom.
 variable capacitor Capacitor whose capacitance can be change by varying the distance between the plates.
 variable resistor Resistor whose resistance can be changed or varied.
 VCR Abbreviation for "video cassette recorder."
 vector Quantity having both magnitude and direction.
 very high frequency (VHF) Electromagnetic frequency band from 30 MHz to 300 MHz.
 very low frequency (VLF) Frequency band from 3 kHz to 30 kHz.
 volt Unit of potential difference or electromotive force. One volt is the potential difference needed to produce one ampere of current through a resistance of one ohm.
 voltage (V) Term used to represent electrical pressure or force that causes current to flow.
 voltage amplifier Amplifier designed to make signal voltage.
 voltage divider Fixed or variable series resistors connected across a voltage to get a required fraction of that voltage.
 voltage drop Voltage or difference in potential formed across a component due to current flow.
voltage gain Ratio of amplifier output voltage to input voltage usually expressed in decibels.
voltage regulator Device or circuit that maintains constant output voltage or regulates voltage.

 Terms W
wave Electric form which travels at the speed of light and consists of a combined electric and magnetic effect.
waveform Shape of a wave.
wavelength  Equal to waveform velocity divided by frequency.
weber (Wb) Unit of magnetic flux.
wet cell Secondary cell using a liquid as an electrolyte.
wheatstone bridge Four arm bridge circuit used to measure resistance, inductance or capacitance.
winding One or more turns of a conductor wound in the form of a coil.
wire Group of conductors having a low resistance to current flow.
wireless No wired between two communicating points.
work amount of energy transferred by a force  
watt Unit of electrical power required to do work at the rate of one joule per second.
watt-hour Unit of electrical work
wattmeter Instrument used to calculate electric power in watts

Symbol Capacitive reactance.

A rare gas.

Symbol inductive reactance.

A shielded 3-conductor microphone plug.

ASCII transmission-control character meaning “Transmitter off.”

ASCII transmission-control character meaning “Transmitter on.”

Short for crystal.
Side to side motion in a vehicle.
In a gyro, an axis through the center of gravity and perpendicular to the spin axis. The vertical axis on a chart.


YIG Crystal
A crystal made of Yttrium & Iron

The deviation of a camera from the vertical caused due to the pitch of the aircraft.
Z axis
Axis perpendicular to both X and Y axes.
zener diode
A Zener diode is specially designed so as to have a  reduced breakdown voltage, the so-called Zener voltage. A Zener diode contains doped p-n junction allowing electrons to Channel from the valence band of the p-type material to the conduction band of the n-type material
Calibrating a meter so that it shows a value of zero when zero is being measured

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